TC sets acts as an autopilot while you vape, using its programming of a coil types boundary temperatures to adjust your wattage as you vape. In terms of benefits it’s pretty obvious, since nobody likes the taste of burnt wick and for someone who uses RDA’s a lot, it makes for a good reminder as to when you should refill your atomizer due to a low juice level. One feature of temperature control, on good, upmarket box mods, is that the chipset in your mod can detect when your coil is getting too hot (due to the absence of liquid) and it will cut off the power to prevent you from torching your cotton…and yourself. You might not know this but the movement of e-liquid over your coils actually cools them considerably. Hell…scrap that, TC should be your first line of defence.

Not only is burned cotton the legitimate source of all those painful formaldehyde accusations that initiated vapers spend their lives fending off, it can be pretty catastrophic to your good looks also! Regular drippage is the first step in avoiding such catastrophe, TC is the second line of defence. I learned the hard way, when someone taking a hit of my vape in a nightclub caused it to burst into an apocalyptic vape flame display, lol! Dry hits are not just nasty, they are outright dangerous.

This may not have happened to you but trust me, without some acknowledgement of the TC facts, this is likely to happen to every RDA user sooner or later. Have you ever had a dry hit? Ever used an RDA (Rebuildable Dripping Atomizer) and had your vape suddenly taste really nasty due to your cotton drying out? Have you ever had your cotton dry out so much that it went up in flames? In this guide I will do my best to explain to you just what temperature control is, what benefits and drawbacks it has and hopefully it will help you determine whether it’s really for you. Sure, it’s a learning curve but the thing is, a half hour messing about with your TCR after installing a coil is worth it if it means that coil will live 2 weeks longer, vape 40% better and provide you with more cumulonimbus action and flavour yumminess than you could have otherwise dreamed of. This means optimizing your experience by making your coils last longer and vape to their full potential…there’s no better way to do this than with TC. The long and short of it is, vaping brands are trying to make your vaping experience better…they want your clouds to be BIGGER, your flavour BETTER and your vapester cred more BADASS. The question is…why? What’s This Temperature Control All About? Lets Take A Closer Look The e-cigarette and vape market sees new product hitting the shelves on a daily basis.įor quite some time now, temperature control features have been considered a standard, must have feature on box mods and any vaping device that’s compatible with an RDA.